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Hideaway Acre History 2013-2022

Writer's picture: Diane ProhaskaDiane Prohaska

Updated: Jul 19, 2024


It was a quiet year as we enjoyed home time while Ella raised her pups. She came out for Westminster and wow'd the crowds and earned a Select Bitch title. What an honor only 8 weeks post whelping 9 puppies. We hadn't planned to show Ella much this year, however she still earned a spot in the GSPCA Top 25!

We ended 2022 with great results. Ella earned another top spot among the nations GSPs and several of her get earned multiple majors. We had a great week at the AKC Royal Canin National where INdy won 2 - 5 point majors and her brother Bear won 2 - 4 point majors. What an incredible week. We missed having Ella at these shows, but great memories of her success here prior years.


Wow as 2021 comes to a close I really did not post all the excitement this year. Ella has a very quiet year mostly spending time at home. She showed a couple weekends and had much success with group placements and wonderful breed wins.

Meggie finishes the year two points from her championship and winning two large majors. We had a beautiful litter of pups and Chloe (Hideaway Acres Naughty and I Know It) wins points her first weekend. Jett owned by good friends ​

finishes easily with Grand Champion points and wins Best of Opposite Futurity at our national. WOW. Lennox finishes in Texas as well.

At the nationals Ella shows in the Top 25 and shows her heart out. A proud moment to be sure.

Happy Holidays and here's to a wonderful 2022.

June 2021

Covid continues to wreck havoc on dog show events and we are enjoying quiet time at home. We are so proud of our Meggie / Roy babies who have had "major" successes with very limited showing.

Jett and Lennox both win majors towards their championship!!


December 2020

Ella comes back home and along the way wins Best of Breed during the Royal Canin AKC week amongs the nations best GSPs.

November 2020

An incredible ending to Ella's year in Mexico. She exceeds all our expectations by winning multiple Best in Shows in November and #1 Dog of the Year. We could not be prouder.

October 2020

Ella has a fabulous October with very limited showing. She ends October as the # 1 All Breed in Mexico. She won multiple Best in Shows and Reserve Best in Shows. We are so proud of Ella and Martin and thank the judges that have recognized our princesss.

August - September 2020

Very few shows, but they are starting safely and slowly.

March - July 2020

Ella and Martin are on pause while the world responds to the COVID-19 crisis. We wish everyone health and well wishes during this unprecedented time. We look forward to being back in the ring soon and hope all our friends are doing well.


Ella as a great weekend in Mexico starting with a RBIS.


Ella spends the weekend in New York and wins Best of Breed at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club and wins Best in Specialty show #8 at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Specialty. This is a dream come true!

The weekend after Ella wins a Resere Best in Show.


Ella has a great weekend winning a Reserve Best in Show and multiple Group ones!


Ella begins her international journey in Mexico - 4 shows, 3 Best in Shows and a Reserve Best in Show. What an exciting start with Martin Egozcue presenting her to perfection and co owners Orlando, Santos and Antonio cheering her on. So many wonderful memories are happening.

Rudy and Meggie pups arrive .. 6 boys, 6 girls. Cutest pups ever!



An incredible month ... Ella shows and wins multiple Best of Breeds including her 7th specialty show. Then she heads to Florida for the AKC National Championship and wins Best of Breed handled for the first time by the incredible Martin Egozcue. Ella will be shown by Martin in 2020 and we have exciting plans for her future. We are excited to partner with Texano to present Ella to South America. Welcome Orlando Cano, Jose Santos Cano and Jose Antonio Cano to the Hideaway Acres family!

We are so proud of Ella and all her accomplishments and are so grateful for her U.S. handlers Katie and Adam Bernardin, who helped make our 2019 dreams come true.


Winston, mulitiple Best of Breeds. Comes out for a couple of shows!!


Ella wins her 6th Best in Specialty Show and her 2nd BIS OH at the Western NY GSP Club in Hamburg, NY.

Winston wins BOB and his Silver GCH in Springfield, all with limited showing. Handled by Adam and Katie Bernardin.

9/2019 September has been a great month!! Ella wins her 5th specialty show at the Eastern GSP Club going Best of Breed and making a cut in the group. Her mom Lina comes out as a veteran and wins Best in Vet Sweeps, first time shown in over a year. Then at the Mayflower GSP weekend Ella wins 2 Best of Opposites and 2 Selects, while her brother Winston wins 2 Selects.

Ella also wins back to back Best of Breeds in Morristown! She then wins Select x 3 at the Long Island specialty shows and Cape specialty shows.

8/2019 Ella wins Back to Back BOBs including the Nutmeg GSP club specialty and a Group 3. What a weekend!! This is Ella's 4th specialty and Winston's 2nd.

7/2019 A good month, however late posting news!!

6/22/19 Ella is Best in Specialty Show at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Independent show while her brother Winston is BISS at the Katahdin GSP specialty in Main.

6/2/19 Winston is Best of Breed in lovely competition and Select Dog on Saturday. So proud of this youngster.

5/26/19 A fun memorial day weekend in NJ with Winston Best of Breed and a cut in a very strong group and BOS the second day. Ella is BOS and Select and earns a Coursing Ability Test title. Ella is also BOBOH and OH Group 2 on Saturday.

May , 2019 We have an incredible nationals week with Winston winning Best of Oppsite Sex and Ella an Award of Merit a the pre specialty the week of the GSP Nationals under a very impressive entry. Ella also tries her paws at Rally and wins two for two qualifying ribbons. What a star!

April, 2019 Ella has an incredible weekend in Rhode Island. She won a Group One and Group Two placement. Ella is also ranked #13 GSP for All Breed points and # 22 GSP Breed points in teh US through April, 2019.

Westminster Weekend and we have an amazing time. 4 specialties - Winston Best of Breed, Best o f Opposite and 2 Select Dogs. Winston finishes his Bronze GCH in limited showing!! Ella Best of Opposite Sex and Best Owner Handled. Westminster Winston wins Select Dog and Ella makes a cut - what an incredilbe day, what an incredible weekend. Winston is now Group Placing, BISS, MBISOH GCHB Hideaway Acres Royal Journey. Time for a break, we're exhausted LOL!!

Looking forward to getting to shows mid February. We are staying warm and indoors for the beginning of the year.


We had a fabulous ending to 2018 with a trip to Royal Canin. Ella and Winston were stars. Ella day one wins Best in Show NOHS and 3 for 3 BOB OH plus a huge BOS at Royal Canin and her brother wins Best of Breed one day and a Group 2 NOHS for the Royal Canin invitational. We also saw great resulits through mid November and December. 2019 will be promising.

11/19/18 Great news from the west coast. Jasper, CH Hideaway Acres Bold Knight wins 3 for 3 rally legs for his title. He scores two placements including a first today. He also wins a nice Best of Beeed and 3 Select Dog ribbons. So proud of Jasper and his owner Carley.

11/16/18 Greet news from Oaks, PA today as Scout wins twice this weekend and twice last weekend to finish her championship. She will now be known as CH Hideaway Acres Journey to the Ball. Great job Scout!!

10/11-10/14 A weekend off brings a fun trip to the Buffalo specialties. Ella is Best of Breed on Thursday at the Supported Entry and again on Saturday at the Western NY GSP Club specialty. Ella is now a multiple best in specialty show princess! She was also Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes.

9/29 A weekend off and then we headed to the Long Island specialties. Ella is Best of Opposite, Select Bitch, and Best in Sweepstakes. Winston is Select Dog, Award of Merit and also wins a Best in Sweepstakes. And Winston Takes Two Group One Owner Handler awards. Another fabulous weekend for the kids!! While in Virginia, shown one day Tucker, Hideaway Acres Prince Charming wins a major!!

9/13-16 Cape Cod proves to be another incredible weekend. Wow dreams do come true. Ella, Group Two and Best of Breed at the mayflower specialty under Pointer specialist Diane Oneill from New Zealsnd. She is now BISS GCH Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper. What an incredible win for my baby girl. She was BOS Thursday, SB Friday. Ella was Best Opposite Sweeps on Saturday to her brother. Ella also got to try dock diving and she's getting the hang of it. I just know she's going to follow in her moms paw prints.

Winston, BOS at both specialties, Best in Sweeps at both specialties, Best of Breed Friday, and SD on Thursday. He also made the cut of 6 in the group and looked amazing.

All this from my babies among some of our breeds top ranked specials. I’m thrilled!!

9/8 Ella gets to play at the Eastern GSP Specialty show and wins a huge Best in Sweepstakes. What a thrill!

9/1-2 Winston does it again with back to back Group One Owner Handled wins .... while his sister Scout also has a good weekend with WB two days just points away from her championship!

8/12 More Owner Handled ribbons for Winston in Ballston Spa. What started as a month of fun has turned into travel to four different states. We've had a blast earning multiple OH Group placements everywhere we've been. With only 3 weekends of showing and 3 BOB OH wins he was awarded 3 OH Best in Shows.....Winston is now the #2 GSP in Owner Handling rankings. That's kinda cool.

8/2 -8/5 Another fabulous weekend - In NJ, Eamon finishes with his 4th major. He is now CH Hideaway Acres Guardian of the Palace. Two of those majors were eared by Eamon's fabulous mom. We are so proud of this youngster and all he has yet to try! His sister Ella also finishes her Grand Championship with two more major and is now Group Placing GCH Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper.

While in VA Winston won a Best of Breed and Group One OH and Group Three OH.

Great job to all the kids!

7/27 Great news from canada as Meggie goes Best of Breed from the classes over specials to finish her championship.

While in Rhode Island Winston wins another Bes in Show - Owner handler and a GCH major to finish his Grand Championship. Ella picks up two more GCHG majors as well.


Eamon, Hideaway Acres Guardian of the Palace is WD/BOW for his third major on Saturday and is only 2 points from his championship! Ella wins a select major as well.

7/19 Texas Great news from Alex who has Vivala. Vivala won her third five point major today in Texas. She is now CH Hideaway Acres Happily Ever After at MTN. Vivala is the spitting image of her dad CJ and has a fabulous career ahead of her.

7/15 Tunbridge, VT Shows

Well our mini vacation didn't keep us back. Hitting the road we had a great trip in VT. Winston is now MBISOH CH Hideaway Acres Royal Journey and picks up 2 more 5 point GCH majors and a BIS OH. Ella also wins GCH points every day and picks up 10 towards her GCH. These kids do not disappoint!! July 2018

After our great weekend in New Paltz we decided to take a couple of weekends off from the shows.


An incredible specialty weekend that dreams are made of. 5 of the kids came out to play and so did momma Lina.

On Thursday Jasper wins Best of Winners for his second major to become CH Hideaway Acres Bold Knight. Jasper is owned by Carley Simpson.

On Friday at the GSPCA Regional Specialty Eamon was Best of Winners for his second major. Eamon is Hideaway Acres Guardian of the Palace and owned by Karen Reilly.

On Saturday at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Specialty Scout wins her second major and receives 5 points!! Scout is Hideaway Acres Journey to the Ball and owned by Karen and JC Revilla.

Then Winston, comes out to play the first time as a special and does wonderful things....Best of Opposite at the Wallkill and Mid Hudson Kennel Clubs, Best in Sweepstakes at the GSPCA Regional and Select Dog at the Sleepy Hollow specialty. Then Winston goes BEST IN SHOW - OWNER HANDLER. Wow ! Winston is now 1/2 way to his grand championship in only one weekend. CH Hideaway Acres Royal Journey is owned by Maggie and Albert Fitch.

And Meggie also wins an Award of Merit at the specialty. GCH Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serenade


What a weekend. Ella finishes her championship winning another Best of Breed and Winners Bitch. Then on Sunday her sister wins Best of Opposite Sex over 7 girl specials to finish her championship. Ella is now CH Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper and Tessa is CH Hideaway Acres Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo. Tessa is owned by our good friend Clayton Parker.


6/2/18 What an incredible day - things dreams are made of. Ella, Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper is Best of Winners and Best of Breed from the Bred By Class and then goes on to win a lovely Group Two from the classes. Wow. Plus her brother Eamon wins Winners Dog for another point!

5/28/18 Eamon, Hideaway Acres Guardian of the Palace is Winners Dog for a point in Trenton. Great job to his owner Karen!!

5/17/18 Another fabulous weekend as Meggie, GCH Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serenade is BOB and Group Two!! Plus Ella is Winners Bitch and Reserve Winners Bitch at the specialty.

5/11/18 Tessa wins her second major in Brooklyn, CT!!! She is now one point from her championship. Way to go Tessa and her owner Clayton.

4/27 Ella is Best of Winners for a three point major in Bear, DE. Such great words from the judge!

4/22 Ella Best of Winners in Springfield, MA.

3/23/18Scout comes out to play for the second time and starts with a 3 point major. Way to go!!!

3/18 York, PA specialty weekend and Ella is Reserve Winners Bitch two times to a 5 and 3 point major.


We are thrilled .... a very special day.

Winston finishes his championship in style with his third major, shown only a handful of times. Winston, CH Hideaway Acres Royal Journey is only ten months old and is our first CJ/Lina puppy to finish. (akc pending) Handled today for his 3rd major by Gwen DeMilta and co owned with good friends Maggie and Albert Fitch.

With this championship, Lina has now qualified for her GSP REGISTRY OF MERIT (ROM). Lina has a pedigree full of ROM generations and we are proud to keep it going. I never thought my girl would have accomplished so much and she still has much more left in her. Lina is now GCHS/Can CH Hideaway 'N Windheim's Vintage Moonshine JH DMA RN RATN CGC/2014 Top 25 #8 Bitch, 2016 GSPCA Dam of the Year, GSPCA VC, ROM.

2/11/18 Ella's "Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper" first show of the year and she excels. With very limited showing, Ella won Best of Winners and Winners Bitch for a huge 5 point specialty major under esteemed judge Gretchen Schultz. Her brother Winston wins his class and Best of Opposite Sweeps, while Eamon and Vivala also win their classes. Lina also makes the final cut and her brother Brew wins a huge Select Dog. What a day to be super proud of all the furbabies!!

2/3/18 So exciting that Tessa "Hideaway Acres Bibbidi Bopbbidi Boo" wins a 5 point major in Springfield, MA by winning Winners Bitch and Best of Winners.

1/4/18 Springfield MA was good to us as Lina wins a 5 and 3 point major Select and her brother Brew wins Best of Breed and a huge Group 2. Way to go. We're taking off the rest of January. See you soon!!

1/18 Japser in California is handled to a 4 point specialty Winners Dog win by his owner Carley. Way to go!

Exciting things are planned. Keep an eye on this page to hear about all our success in the ring.


2017 ended with Lina and CJ pups hitting the ring. In just two short months and limited showing we are so proud of our accomplishments.

Vivala - out for only one weekend for specialties and wins not one, but two FIVE point majors in gorgeous CA competition. Vivala starts 2018 with ten points and her both majors. She is Hideaway Acres Happily Ever After at MTM and lives in Texas with her proud owner Alex Mansfield.

Winston also wins two five point majors in tough Northeast competition. The following weekend he shows one day and earns another 2 points for WD/BOW. Winston is Hideaway Acres Royal Journey. He lives in CT with his owners Maggie and Albert and his older half sister Lilly.

Ella, Hideaway Acres Glass Slipper, has a stellar start, earning Winners Bitch/Best of Winners and Best of Opposite sex over lovely specials and three - five point major reserves. She is owned by Hideaway Acres and lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley.

Eamon, Hideaway Acres Guardian of the Palace is shown by his mom. First two weekends of showing and he wins a WD for a point and the next weekend WD for his first major. Eamon lives with his big sister Sadie, playful feline Hadley and wonderful mom Karen.

Jasper lives in CA and gets to play with his dad CJ on occasion. He has already earned 4 points and 2 specialty five point reserves. Jasper is loved by his mom Carley Simpson.

Tessa, aka our wild child, is such a hoot to show. She already has 5 points and a Best of Opposite over a lovely special. Everyone that shows Tessa has a blast. She is known as Hideaway Acres Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo and she owns her papa Clayton.

More lovely pups to come out of this amazing litter. CJ and Lina are proud of these pups accomplishments and we are looking forward to a wonderful 2018!


We're taking lots of time off for puppies and other events in 2017 and will be showing very selectively. Exciting things are planned!!!

3/8/17 ***** We have received the greatest honor - Lina is the 2016 GSPCA CONFORMATION DAM OF THE YEAR. This is a breeder/owners' dream come true. Thank you to all the owners, handlers and friends who have supported us. Lina and Marty produced 7 champions that all finished in 2016 - Norton, Meggie, Ammo, Arrow, Lilly, Calvin, and Blair. *****

2/6/17 Arrow passes his AKC Canine Good Citizen test and adds CGC to his name ... CH Hideaway Acres Vintage Moonshine JH RN RATN DJ CGC.

2/5/17 Lina starts off the year with a nice Best of Breed win at Springfield on Sunday for a 3 point Grand Champion Major.

1/5 & 6/17 Meggie starts off the year strong with Select wins both days for 4 GCH points both days!! Go Meggie.



Arrow wins another Beginner Novice leg and needs one more to get his title. He also adds another Rally novice leg with a score of 197!! Go Arrow go!


What a fabulous weekend for the kids.

Meggie is now Group Placing GCH Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serenade. She was BOB (5 pts) and Group 4 today at the Springfield KC under Judge Larry Sinclair. The breed and group competition was very strong with some lovely dogs!! On Saturday Meggie was BOS and finished her GCH (akc pending) with another 5 pt GCH major. Meggie was shown beautifully this weekend by Meggie's BFF Deirdre Dunbar.

Arrow is now CH Hideaway Acres JH RN DJ RATN / GSPCA VC (pending GSPCA approval) , earning his Rally Novice title (pending AKC approval) in 3 straight trials and becomes a 3rd generation to earn enough points for the GSPCA Versatility Certificate!! Arrow barely understood what sit meant less then a week ago, I couldn't be more proud of this boy who had me beaming with pride. From the ring, to the field, to a sit stay.....this boy is versatile (and a momma's boy with a heart of gold)....... and he passed his Cardiac clearance as well, my healthy goofball!!!

Meggie and Arrow are out of our MarLina breeding (CH Ludlam's Mr. Weinland x our Lina)

11/12-13/16 Arrow earns his Junior Hunter title in 4 straight passes handled by his trainer Judy Zeigler. Arrow is now CH Hideaway Acres Vintage Memories JH DJ RATN. He ran beautifully in the field and we're so proud of him.

11/5 All that attended had a lovely evening at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Club Annual Harvest Awards Dinner. I am over the moon happy that Lina was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award and always so proud of my girl, who earned this award for her champion puppies and silver GCH!!! We also received several title rosettes for some of the kids championships (Meggie, norton, Ammo and Arrow) and LIna's Silver GC. Arrow also was awarded agold GSP pin because he achieved 3 titles last year - good boy Arrow!!

10/29 -30 We are so proud tht Blair is now "CH Hideaway Kahalie's It's Vintage". Blair finished with 3 majors and won BOW for a 5 and 4 point major this weekend.

10/22-23/16 Arrow earned two rosettes and qualifiers at his first and second Hunt Test this weekend. Arrow was handled by the amazing Judy Zeigler. Arrow earned great scores including 3 - 9's out of 10.

10/15/16 Fabulous news as Lina earns her Dock Diving MASTER ADVANCED title! We are so proud of Lina who is just fearless at the dock diving pool with her personal best of the day at 23'. The great news didn't stop there as Lina's brother Brew earned his Dock Diving Senior title in straight jumps, daughter Meggie earned 3 for 3 junior jumps and daughter Lilly jumped once in the junior level. Meggie also won Best of Opposite Sex for another 3 point major.

10/1-2/16 Fabulous day at the specialty with Lina winning Best of Opposite Sex at the specialty and BEST OF BREED at the All Breed show on Saturday. While in the classes her daughter Blair brings home two RWB ribbons for the weekend.

9/15-17/16 Great news with another champion out of our Marty/Lina litter. Calvin, CH Hideaway Acres Autumn Delightis the 6th champion from the litter to finish at the MacGungie dog shows, while in Cape Cod sister Blair is WB Friday at the Supported Entry and RWB at the Specialty on Saturday.

9/10-9/11/16 Congratulations to Blair, "Hideaway Kahalie's It's Vintage" who won a major on Saturday and Winners Bitch also on Sunday.

9/1-1/16 Another fabulous show weekend with our Marty x Lina pups .... Lilly is the star with WB and WB/BOW this weekend to finish her AKC championship. Lilly is now CH Hideaway Acres Autumn Blessing. Lilly is owned by good friends Maggie and Albert Fitch and is going to reward their girl with ice cream and a huge new bed to snuggle in. Lilly is the 5th puppy of our MarLina breeding to finish. (CH Ludlam's Mr. Weinland x GCHS/Can CH Hideaway 'N Windheim's Vintage Moonshine JH RN DM RATN CGC TDI / GSPCA VC)

Calvin was WD/BOW and WD today and earned 3 more points and is now very close to his championship. It was great to have his owners (Jack and Joey) there to see him in action.

Meggie was BOB one day for a GCH major, BOS the other 2, and made a nice cut in the group.

8/26-28 Oh Canada!! We drove over the border and attended the GSP Club of Canada National Specialty and oh what fabulous results!! Meggie won Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the National plus Winners Bitch the day before and two Reserve Winners. Ammo also earned a Reserve Winners Dog at the Sporting Dog Specialty. We are so grateful for their handler Deirdre Dunbar for her excellent presentation of our kids North of the border.!!

8/25-28 Calvin and Lilly both win Winners Bitch and Winners Dog and each Best of Winners for two points each in MA.

8/20 - 8/21 Calvin wins his second major on Saturday and WD/BOW for two more points on Sunday. Calvin is beautifully handled by Gwen DeMilta in NC.

8/13-14 Calvin starts his show career and wins a 3 point major by winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Calvin's full name is Hideaway Acres Harvest Delight and is owned by the Gordons. Calvin is presented by Gwen DeMilta and Carissa Shimpeno. Lina also wins a very nice Select Bitch over lovely specials.

8/4-8/7 Lina wins two supported entry Select wins for 5 points each and then the dogs hit the dock - Arrow earns his Dock Diving Junior title and Cami goes from plop to Dock Diving Senior title in just a couple days. Lina also earns more master legs towards her Dock Dive master advanced title.

7/29-8/1 What an incredible weekend in Bloomsburg, PA. Arrow, CH Hideaway Acres Vintage Memori es FINISHES HIS CHAMPIONSHIP winning Best of Winners and his sister Lily, Hideaway Acres Autumn Blessing wins 4 straight days and gains two majors and 9 points.

7/16-7/16 What a fun weekend of specialties. Arrow wins Reserve Winners Dog at the Specialty and Winners Dog for 4 point at the supported entry. Then momma Lina wins Best Owner Handler all days and a Group 3.

7/6-8/16 Arrow wins Best of Winners on Wednesday, Winners Dog on Thursday and Reserve Winners Dog to the major in Springfield.

6/24-26/16 Lina wins a huge Select Bitch on Friday, Ammo wins Select dog on Friday and Saturday at th eSupported Entry and sister Meggie wins Select at the Specialty. What a fabulous weekend for the kids!

6/12/16 Arrow wins Reserve Winners Dog to the major at the Greenwich, CT show!!

5/29/16 Ammo is Winners Dog at the Eastern GSP Club Suported Entry and FINISHES HIS CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Ammo is now CH Hideaway Acres Vintage Ammunition. He is the 3rd puppy from our Marty/Lina babies to finish and we are so proud.

5/21-28/16 - GSPCA Nationals What an incredible week at the nationals. The kids all placed and did well at the two independent specialties and the national event.

Ammo, Hideaway Acres Vintage Ammunition - Schuylkill Valley GSP Sweeps - 2nd, Mason Dixon GSP - 4th in Bred By Exhibitor, and at teh nationals Ammo wins 3rd in Bred By Exhibitor and Sweepstakes.

Meggie, CH Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serrenade - Schuylkill Valley GSP Sweeps - 4th and at the nationals Meggie makes the cut in a class of over 100 Champion GSPs!!!

Blair, Hideaway Kahalie's It's Vintage - Schuylkill Valley GSP - 2nd in Open, Mason Dixon GSP - 1st in Open, and at the nationals Blair wins 2nd in her open class.

Brew, GCH/UKC BIS CH Windheim 'N Hideaway's Home Brewed earns 4 first place rosettes. 2 for his Ralley Advanced and 2 for his Beginner Novice titles. He also was 1st in Stud Dog at the Nationals.

5/19-20/2016 Arrow goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the Long Island GSP Supported Entry, while his mom wins Select Bitch. The next day Lina is Best of Opposite and Arrow Winners Dog. The best part though is dock diving .... Lina earns 9 master jumps with 2 personal bests at 23'3" and 23'6". She is well on her way to her dock diving masters ADVANCED title. Arrow also hit the pool and is learning how to do this gret sport.

5/13-15/2016 Arrow "Hideaway Acres Vintage Memories" returns to the show ring after taking the winter off and wins Winners Dog on Friday and Saturday, while his sister Blair "Hideaway Kahalie's It's Vintage" wins Best of Winners on both Saturday and Sunday.

4/24-25/2016 So excited to get the news that the newest Marty/Lina baby, Blair, to hit the show circuit was Winners Bitch on Sunday, and Reserve Winners on Saturday. Blair is formally known as "Hideaway Kahalie's It's Vintage". She has a very bright future ahead of her.

4/2016 With so many other priorities, we're taking a "showcation" for the month of April.

3/12-13 Meggie wins Best of Breed both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we stayed for Owner Handled groups and she received a Group 3. So proud of Meggie winning this weekend - her first time out as a special in the Best of Breed ring.

2/26-28 Another wonderful show weekend with Ammo bringing home two majors and Best of Winners at the Rockland shows.

2/21/16 Cami Kisses gets to twirl around the ring and wins Best of Breed for a 5 point Grand Champion Major. So proud of our Camster. Shown always by her bff Adam Bernardin!

2/14/16 What a weekend of specialties!! Meggie and Ammo both win at the LIGSPC Specialty with Winners Bitch/Best of Winners for Meggie and Winners Dog for Ammo. This win finished Meggie's championship and she is now CH Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serenade (pending AKC confirmation). The next day at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Club Specialty Gabby wins Best of Opposite Sex to the Westminster Best in Show winner!! It was extra exciting that Lina and Meggie also made the cut.

1/23/16 Great news from the MA dog show. Norton is now CH Hideaway Acres Vintage Harvest. Norton received his final point and has done so well. We are so proud of him. This is the first of our Marty/Lina babies to finish their championship.

1/21/16 A short visit to the dog show before the snow came in and we have great things to report. Lina finished her SILVER Grand Championship by winning Best of Breed. Her daughter Lily, Hideaway Acres Autumn Harvest, came out to play and also won for one point and Winners Bitch.

1/13-17/16 One of our favorite specialty weekends and our dogs did well!! Meggie is the star winning BOW at the GSPC of WNY pecialty for 5 points, a BOW for 3 points at the supported, and Reserve Winners Bitch at the second specialty. She also won Best in Sweepstakes one day and Best of Opposite Sweepstakes the second day. A very similar result for when her momma started her career at these shows 3 years ago!!

Meggies Brother Arrow won his class 3 days and momma Lina won a Select at the Supported Entry as well.

1-9/10-2016 The show year starts off with a bang with wonderful wins!! Meggie goes BOW both Saturday and Sunday for her first and second major!!! So glad to get those out of the way!! Brother Norton wins Winners Dog on Saturday and RWD on Sunday, while momma Lina wins Select both days for 4 point majors each!! So proud of all the kids!!


Merry Christmas 2015

12/15/15 Ammo, Acres Vintage Ammunition wins BOW at the prestigious Eukanuba Dog Show under the excellent presentation and care of Deirdre Dnbar. We are so proud of this youngster. !!

11/12 During the weekend of the AKC National Dog Show Norton wins a 4 point major handled by Deirdre Dunbar! coming within points of his championship!!

10/16/15 Ammo, Hideaway Acres Vintage Ammunition wins his first point handled by his mom Sarah in NJ.

10/11/15 Norton wins Winners Dog for another point in NJ while his mom wins Select Bitch for 3 points.

9/15 At the GSPCA Regional Specialty hosted by the Long Island GSP Club, Meg wins Reserve Winners Bitch, while her mom wins a Select major earlier in the weekend.

9/10-13/15 Cape Cod Specialty Weekend A wonderful weekend for the odgs at the Cape Cod Specialty weekend. Norton wins W inners Dog the first day at the supported entry, followed by 3 Reserve Winners Dog including the 2 specialties. His sister Meggie wins WD the same day and Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sweepstakes at the specialties.Not to be outdone their brother Arrow also wins Winners Dog at one of the supported entries.

9/15 Brew finishes his Senior Hunter title while Zeppy earns 2 JH legs towards his title. Great job Brew and Zeppy hunting those birds!!

8/29-30 Norton heads to the show and wins BOW two days to earn w and 1 point respectively in NJ.

8/1-2/15 Norton is Best of Winners at the Nutmeg GSP Specialty earning him 4 points, while his sister Megie is Reserve. Then the next day Norton is Best of Opposite Sweeps, great job to the youngsters!! Norton is Hideaway Acres Autumn Harvest and Meggie is Hideaway Acres Moonshine Serenade.

7/9-11/15 Arrow wins Best of Winners and Best of Breed Owner Handled on Thursday and Winners Dog Friday and Saturday in Vermont for points each day. His mom Lina wins Best of Opposite on Saturday and Select Bitch Thurs and Fri. One of our favorite show sites in the beautiful Vermont mountains! Sister Lilly wins a puppy Group 4 on Friday!!

6/28/15 Despite the heavy rains Lina wins a Best of Breed and Select and both kids - Arrow and Lilly win their first points with Lilly taking Best of Winners. The kids showed so nice.

6/21/15 The New Paltz specialty weekend and Lina has a great time....she wins two Best of Opposites, a Select and an Award of Merit under respected breeder judge Ruth Ann Freer. the kids - Arrow, Meggie, and Ammo come out to play for the first time and have a blast. We took home tons of ribbons and prizes with the kids.

6/7/15 Norton and Lilly debut at their first AKC point shows and do fabulous. Lilly wins a Best of Opposite Sweepstakes and a Reserve Winners Bitch and Norton wins a Reserve Winners Dog. They both show very well and we are so proud of these youngsters.

6/15 GCH /UK BIS CH Windheim 'N Hideaway's Home Brewed JH BN RA CGC earns his Beginner Novice obedience and Rally Advanced titles. Great job Brew!!

5/23/15 Meggie and Lilly hit the match show circuit and have a great day. At their first match shows Meggie wins Best in Match and a Group 2 and Lilly handled out of the adult class for more practice wins a Group 2 and 3. Following in the parents foosteps we expect great things out of these youngsters!! Lilly is owned by our good friends Maggie & Albert Finch.


Without a doubt today was a dog highlight for me. Lina and I made a deal that if she won the breed I would take her back to the dock diving pool (little did she know she was going regardless). Lina has her priorities straight and she started the day winning Best of Breed handled beautifully by Deirdre Dunbar. Deirdre handed me the BOB ribbon and reminded me of my promise and said to be back at 2 pm for the group ..... so off we went to the pool.

Lina had 2 splashes today and they were both Master level jumps, thereby finishing her Master Dock Diving title in 5 straight master level jumps!! Lina didn't stop there as she went High in Trial yesterday and today & also garnered a HIT blue rosette for the whole weekend. Her longest jump was 23' (note I can't even jump 23")!! I am still in utter amazement that she jumped 23' in the air across a pool to catch a tennis ball making it look effortless in the process!!! Lina has dock dived a total of 3 different events, 2 last summer - one for NADD for the AKC DJ title and one fun event. This weekend was the first of 2015. She has has no training outside of those events. Debra the owner of NADD took a personal interest in Lina today and helped us get our 23' dive today with the promise that some training would get her in the "elite" category of divers. There are no words to describe the athleticism that radiates from Lina's body and soul and how proud I am to call her mine!!!

Lina then went back to the ring where Kimberly Pastella Calvacca showed her to a beautiful GROUP 4 under breed judge Judy Webb. (Congrats Deirdre for your Gr 1 with the GS). The Long Island Kennel Club asked to presented Lina with a trophy for her dock diving and shared a bit of her versatility with the audience. Truly a special day showing the versatility of our breed. Lina is now Group Placing, Bronze GCH Hideaway ' N Windheim's Vintage Moonshine JH RN CGC RATN DM I think this may be the best title yet!!! She certainly had a "splash" getting it!!!

PS - Cami and Meggie also had a blast at the pool. Maggie will follow in her mama's footsteps - she is too young, just shy of 6 months to have her jumps count, however she was jumping at the 7' mark already!! And Cami, well always the crowd entertainer no matter what she does.

PSS - Lina also won Select Bitch on Friday and Saturday, 3 GCH majors for the weekend!!

5/15 Zeppy earns his Dock Diving Novice and Rally Advanced titles. In Rally he was in the ribbons each time earning first or 2nd place. Great job Zeppy becoming Ch. Hideaway 'N Windheim's White Lightening RA DN CGC.

4/23/15 Seems I let too much time pass before I started posting again. We've had a busy winter enjoying the babies and having fun. We started the year with a Select Bitch for Lina and spent most of the winter hibernating. Keep an eye out this spring for news on Lina babies as they start their show careers.


12/14 We took the rest of the year off to enjoy Lina's babies. All 11 arrived on Thanksgiving Day and were truly blessings!!

10/2-5 Lina wins Best of Breed at the Devon Kennel Club show and Cami wins an Award of Merit at Hatboro the weekend of her national specialty show. Great job girls!!

9/20&21 Lina wins Select both days in Goshen, CT

9/14 What a fabulous weekend in Cape Cod!! Lina wins Select at the Mayflower GSP Specialty and in the same weekend wins a Best of Breed and a Best of Opposite to finish her BRONZE Grand Championship.

8/23 and 24/14 Gabby, Hideaway 'N Windheim's Mountain Moonshine finishes her Grand Championship in Springfield by going Select for a 3 point major and the next day she wins another and Lina wins Best of Opposite for her won 3 point major. Good job Moonshine girls!

8/17/14 I decided to take the weekend and let Cami do some Barn Hunting for the first time, a new sport recognized by the AKC. Little did I know that right down the road GSP friends were enjoying another new AKC recognized sport - Dock Diving. So balancing a crazy insane schedule, the flexibility of everyone, Lina, Cami and I had a blast!!

As for results I couldn't be more excited. In the dock diving pool Lina bypasses Novice and earns her DJ (Junior) title in 5 straight dives!! She came close to the senior jumps every time!! AThe dogs had an amazing time. I am very grateful to so many people for their guidance and cheers! The folks at Westwind are the best and a fabulous facility.

Then down the road Cami Kisses had a blast, blazing through 3 straight qualifies to earn her Barn Hunting Novice title. Cami earned a first, and two forth place finishes. The best was when Cami has the fastest time out of about 120 runs - qualifying at just 14 seconds (you have 2 minutes). Only about 1/4 of the dogs passed and it's not as easy as it seems. She went so fast that the ring steward actually had to check with the judge on the time LOL.

8/7/14 Lina wins Best of Opposite in Ballston Spa for a 4 point Grand CH major!

7/26/14 Lina wins Select in Rhode Island under judge Terry Hundt.

7/20/14 Cami participated in 3 earthdog events - the first was Introduction to Quarry. This is just a pass/fail no legs achieved. Out of about 35 entrants, only 5 passed. Cami was one. Then we had a morning and afternoon test. In the morning 16 entrants, 5 passed and in the afternoon 14 entrants and only 3 passed and Cami clocked the fasted time to the prey - go Cami go!! 3 dogs achieved their ED title yesterday and I have to say I was beaming with pride on the Camster's performance and the beautiful finishing rosette I was given.

7/10-12/14 We head to Vermont and have a great weekend. LIna wins two Best of Breeds and Select. Good girl Lina.

7/4/14 Happy first birthday to Cami Kisses!!

6/29/14 Zeppy earns his last championship point and becomes Ch. Hideaway 'N Windheim's White Lightning RN CGC!! So proud of this boy!

6/28/14 What an incredible day at dog shows along the East Coat for Hideaway 'N Windheim GSPs and a little dog named Cami!! Cami started off the morning in Wrentham, MA by finishing her Championship with a Best of Breed!! Then good news came in from Kim and Zep who won Winners Dog in Bainbridge with Zep now being one point away from his championship. Back in Wrentham Lina wins a lovely Best of Breed over several specials. The good news didn't stop there as brother Brew heads to UKC shows in NJ and wins a BEST IN SHOW!! Cami finished out the evening with a puppy Group 2. So incredibly proud of the pack today.

6/19/14 Lina wins Best of Breed at the Wallkill Kennel Club show the same weekend as a GSP specialty and also Select Bitch the next day at Shawangunk KC!! Lina showed fabulous this weekend.

6/7/14 Lina wins Select Bitch for another Grand Champion Major. Cami wins Best of Opposite and Winners Bitch.

5/10 - 11/14 Lina wins Back to Back Best of Breeds at the Ludwigs Corner and Lebanon, PA shows.

While over in the earthdog venue, the Camster gets her first experience and has a blast.

5/4/14 What a fabulous weekend at the Bucks/Trenton shows. Lina wins Best of Breed over a lovely entry of specials for a 4 point Grand Champion Major and had a wonderful showing in the breed. On Friday Cami wins Winners Bitch and Sunday Best of Winners. Then Lina's brother Brew wins Best of Opposite one day as well.

4/26/14 So proud! A great weekend in Canada - Lina wins her Canadian championship and becomes American Grand and NEW Canadian Champion Hidewaway 'N Wineheim's Vintage Moonshine JH RN CGC.

4/18-20/14 What a fabulous weekend!! Lina wins Best of Opposite at the Mason Dixon GSP specialty for a 5 point grand champion major and takes Sunday off to celebrate Easter. While over in teh Parson ring Cami wins Reserve to a 5 point major and on Sunday a 4 point major. Cami is now only 2 points away from her championship at the young age of 9 months!!

4/1714 Both Gabby and Lina are in the Top 20 - Gab for GSP Breed points and Lina for Grand Champion points!! Good girls!

4/11/14 Zeppelin is Winners Dog in Harrisburg PA for another point towards his championship.

4/5-6/14 Lina wins Select Bitch for a 4 point GCH major with a lovely bitch entry of 23 in Springfield.

While Cami has her own fun winning WB /BOS and gains another point towards her championship.

3/22/14 Zeppelin wins Winners Dog in Edison, NJ for another point towards his championship. Great job to owner Kim and her White Lightning boy!!! "Hideaway 'N Windheim's White Lightning RN"

3/14-16/14 Wow what a weekend....two different states, two different dogs and a great time to be had by all. Miss Lina attends the New Engladn Sporting Dog specialty weekend in MA and makethe cut both days in very strong east coast competition. She also received placements in both Gun Dog Classes.

While over in Kentucky, Cami Kisses makes her mark. She won Best of Winners for 5 point major on Sunday,Best of Winners on Friday, and Reserve to a 5 point major on Saturday. What a great weekend for this little star!

3/6-9/14 What a great weekend for Moonshine girls!! Lina finsihes her Grand Champion with 4 straight GCH majors, including 3 Best of Opposites and a Select Bitch at the Milton, NY dog shows. Lina was handled to perfection this weekend by Adam Bernardin. She is now Grand Champion Hideaway 'N Windheim's Vintage Moonshine!! What an achievement for this young girl.

On Sunday, her sister Gabby wins Select Bitch and also picks up a 4 point GCH major.

Not to be outdone, Lina's lil sis Cami, my Parson Russell Terrier puppy wins Best of Breed handled by 9 year old Em and has a great time showing in the group. Oh what fun to see these two youngsters learning the show ring ropes together!

3/1/14 Zeppelin handled by owner Kim Mahoney achieves his Rally Novice title and is now Hideaway 'N Windheim's White proud of this boy and his family!!

2/22-23/14 Rockland County is very good to us as new show dog Hideaway 'N Windhei's White Lightning wins Best of Winners for a 3 point major. Zeppelin has already made his mark in rally and is now having fun in the ring. Zep is owned by our good friend Kim. and she trained him for the ring to perfection.

Lina wins Best of Opposite on Sunday for a 4 point Granc Champion major and her sister Gabby Select on Saturday for the same.

Cami was expertly handled by new junior handler Emily Sullivan both days and won Best of Breed both days.

Great job to all!!!

2/15/14 Lina wins Best of Opposite at the First Governor show in Hartford, CT on Saturday and Sunday for 4 Grand Champion points!!! Cami wins Best of Winners. On 2/15 Cami makes the FOX Hartford news - oh what fun!!!

2/11/14 WESTMINSTER!! Lina attends Westminster and makes the final cut. What a great day!! She showed to perfection.

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2/9/14 Lina wins Select Bitch at the Sleepy Hollow GSP Specialty for 5 Grand Champion points. Gabby makes the cut. Patches is Reserve Winners Dog.

2/8/14 Gabby wins Best of Opposite at the Long Island GSP Specialty. Lina makes the final cut.

2/14 Zeppelin “Hideaway ‘N Windheim’s White Lightning” goes to his first and second rally and not only gets a leg at each, him and owner Kim earn a first place and fourth place rosette respectively. Go team!!

1/26/14 Cami wins her first point in Springfield!!

1/11/14 Gabby first time in the ring as a special wins Best of Breed under judge Jim Martin at the Western NY GSP Specialty. A breeders dream day!!

1/5/14 Gabby finishes her championship with her 4th major at Springfield. At the same show Lina wins her first Grand Championship Major. We are so proud of these young dogs!!


12/13 Gabby wins two majors in Springfield, MA expertly handled by our good friend Janet!! Way to go Gabs who now has 12 points and three majors towards her championship!!

11/13 Lina finishes with a huge 4 point major during the Thanksgiving Cluster in Springfield, MA. What a great day and so many congratulations. Cami also won a Group 1 in the 4-6 Puppy Show.

10/20/13 Lina wins her second major at the Albany KC and is 1 point away from her championship!! Good girl Lina.

10/12/13 Lina is Winners Bitch at the Palisades Kennel Club dog show.

10/13 Lina achieves her therapy dog certificate and Canine Good Citizen AKC title and becomes Hideaway ‘N Windheim’s Vintage Moonshine JH RN CGC!!! Lina will do amazing therapy dog work!

9/21 and 9/22 Lina wins Winners Bitch at the Ox Ridge Kennel Club on Saturday. Then on Sunday at the Northwestern CT KC Lina wins BOW and her brother Brew wins Best of Breed and a leg towards his Rally Novice title. Great weekend!!!

9/13/2013 Lina wins BOW at the South Shore Kennel Club on Cape Cod. She then wins RWB the next day and 1st in Bred By on Sunday at the specialty show!!

8/25/2013 We traveled north to the Canadian GSP Nationals and had a fabulous weekend seeing new and old friends.....we even came home with some lovely ribbons. Lina places second at the Canadian GSP Nationals in a large open class. She also wins a Reserve WB on Sunday and a 3rd in a large all pointing breeds sweepstakes and second in open at the sporting dog specialty. All classes were very competitive!

7/13/2013 Lina wins Best of Winners and 2 points at the Riverhead KC show.

7/7/2013 Lina finishes her Rally Novice title under judge Karen Wrey. Lina is now Hideaway ‘N Windheim’s Vintage Moonshine JH RN!!!!

6/2013 Gabby wins a 3 point major and Lina takes reserve at the Greenwich Kennel Club. Thanks to our friend Janet McMillan for showing Gabs so expertly!!

5/2013 Brew finishes with his 3rd specialty BOW at the Eastern GSP Club specialty!! This boy is very special - 3 huge east coast specialties - all handled by his mom, cobreeder and most of all friend Denise Avery!!!!

Lina wins Best in Sweeps at the Long Island GSP Club.

5/2013 German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America - 50th Anniversary National Specialty Show *Lina* shines at the nationals and two host specialties. Lina wins a 4th under breeder judge Ruth Ann Freer and a 3rd in Futurity. Lina also places 2nd at the Schuylkill GSP specialty under breeder judge Steve Herman and 4th at the Mason Dixon specialty under breeder judge Dan Mack. Lina placed at only 11 months of age in the extremely competitive Bred By class. Lina also won two agility legs in two attempts - first time trying agility!! Special thanks to our judges for recognizing this outstanding young girl!

Gabby places at the Mason Dixon GSP specialty sweeps.

4/2013 Lina finishes her Junior Hunt Test title with 4 qualifying legs to become Hideaway ‘N Windheim’s Vintage Moonshine JH!!! This girl can hunt!!

3/31/13 Lina and Brew both qualify for their junior hunt test legs at the Nutmeg Weim Hunt Test.

3/16/13 Brew and Lina win Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sweepstakes respectively at the New England Sporting Dog Specialties!!

3/8/13 Brew, Best of Winners for 2 points at the Monticello KC show!

2/22/13 Brew wins BOW and a major at the Rockland County KC show. This is Brew’s 3rd major!!

2/10/13 At the Sleepy Hollow GSP Club Specialty, Brew - Windheim ‘N Hideaway’s Home Brewed, wins Best of Winners for a huge 5 point specialty win. We are so proud of this boy and his momma Denise Avery who handled him to this prestigious win. Lina also did very well winning first in her sweepstakes class and 2nd in a lovely Bred By class. Patches and Gabby also took first in their Open Dog and Puppy class. A great day for all!!

1/12/13 NEW CHAMPION Gracie goes WB at the Western NY Specialty for 4 points and we welcome a new champion!! Her daughter Lina wins Reserve Winners Bitch and Best in Sweeps. Brew and Gabby both win their classes. Congrats to Denise Avery for handling her girl to this wonderful win. Gracie finishes her championship with 3 specialty WB


12/12 Patches wins BOW and a 5 point major at Leigh Valley KC, Allentown, PA.

11/24/12 Lina’s brother Brew owned by Denise & Jim Avery win Best of Breed in Springfield 4-6 puppy and Lina wins Best of Opposite!! A great weekend!!

11/23/12 Lina wins Best of Breed and Group Two at 4-6 Puppy competition in Springfield, MA

11/22/12 Lina wins Best of Breed and Group One at her first 4-6 Puppy competition!!

11/12 Lina and Gabby become International Canine Kennel Club champions!!! Lina wins 1 Best in Show and Gabby wins 2 Best in Shows!!

11/12 Gracie and Mike earn their Junior Hunter titles!! Congratulations to Denise & Jim Avery on their successful hunts!!!

10/6/12 Lina wins Best Puppy in Match at Newtown Kennel Club and Best Adult at Ox Ridge. Not to be outdone and in reverse, her sister Gabby wins Best Adult in Match at Newtown and Best Puppy at Ox Ridge. We’re having so much fun with these amazing babies....they make us proud.

Lina and Gabby’s mom Gracie gets her first Junior Hunter leg at her first hunt test. Gracie’s housemate Mikey does the same!!

9/23/12 Gabby, Hideaway ‘n Windheim’s Mountain Moonshine does her sister proud with her own Best at the Newton KC match.

9/15/12 Lina, Hideaway ‘n Windheim’s Vintage Moonshine wins Best Puppy in Match at the prestigious Greenwich Kennel Club. This was Lina’s first show and she showed her heart out!

8/12 Patches wins WD at the esteemed Nutmeg GSP Specialty!! Paige wins Best in Veteran Sweeps the same day for a great specialty day!!

5-8/12 Taking time off from shows to whelp the Prohibition Era puppies and enjoy every minute with them!!

5/6/12 Gracie goes Winners Bitch at Trenton Kennel Club for 2 points, major breaks by 1 dog!!

5/5/12 Patches wins open dogs and goes RWD at Bucks to a major.

4/14/12 Gracie goes Winners Bitch at Harrisburg Kennel Club for 2 points, 1 dog shy of a major!!

4/7/12 Patches goes WD at Troy Kennel Club!!

3/11/12 Patches goes WD at Saw Mill Kennel Club from the open class!!

2/24/12 Hideaway Acres Breaking News (Patches) Patches goes WD at Rockland Kennel Club on 2/24/12 from the open class.

1/15/12 Ch. Hideaway Acres Here We Go Again RN, CGC, TDI Baron finishes his Rally Novice title. If it wasn’t for my handler error Baron would have been in the ribbons in a large class of about 20 dogs.

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